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French Omelets
2 tsp
neutral oil, like canola, divided
1 tbsp
French Omelets

This is deceptively simple recipe: It may have only four ingredients, but the way the eggs, salt, oil, and butter are combined and cooked is the art of it. It takes some practice to get right, but when you cook it perfectly, there will be few thing you’d rather eat.

2 servings

  1. Heat a 12-inch black steel pan over high heat for about a minute.
  2. Crack two eggs into a bowl, season with salt, and whisk vigorously until they’re frothy. Add the teaspoon of oil to the pan and swirl to coat, then add half of the butter, continuing to swirl. As soon as the butter stops sizzling, pour in the eggs and use a fork to briskly move the eggs around the pan, using your other hand to swirl the pan around by the handle. As the eggs set, quickly pull them away from the bottom of the pan with the fork, making space for more of the liquid-y mixture to hit the pan’s surface.
  3. When the eggs are mostly set, tip the pan toward yourself, using the fork to pull the far edge of the egg off of the pan. Continue to tip back the pan and pull back the eggs with the fork, rolling the omelet back toward the handle of the pan. Cook the rolled omelet for a few seconds longer, but don’t allow it to brown. Tip the pan forward, and roll the omelet out onto a plate.
  4. Repeat with the two remaining eggs.

Willy Blackmore

Willy Blackmore is a freelance journalist who writes about food, culture, and the environment. He lives in Maine.